Angela + Luke

July 26, 2023


Guest Blogger | Ashley Dyer of Farmhouse Foral by Estabrook’s | Maine Wedding & Portrait Photographers

We are so excited to have Ashley Dyer of Farmhouse Floral by Estabrook’s on the blog today. We met Ashley recently at the Bliss Wedding Show at Thompson’s Point. She was in the booth next to us and she was such a pleasure to work alongside that weekend. Her work is beautiful and she is […]


August 7, 2019

Melissa + Brad | A Pemaquid Point Lighthouse Elopement!

“What are you wearing for shoes?” I asked Melissa at lunch one day when we met to talk about the wedding. “My Bean Boots.” *Cue the melting heart.* Melissa + Brad chose to elope on their 5 years of dating anniversary, they even got engaged on January 12th in 2018, and I couldn’t wait for […]

January 18, 2019


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